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Auctions DATE: Saturday, February 22nd
TIME: 11:00 am (Order; No Small Items. Misc.Farm Equipment, Tractor, Chopper, Cows, Heifers)
LOCATION: N6799 County Rd. D, Monticello, WI. App. 5 ½ miles From Monticello, WI go east on Co.Hwy.C to Co.Hwy.D, go south to farm.
For auction questions call Bill @ 608-558-0792 or Randall @ 608-558-7804 (Leave a message)
- 110-Dairy Cows with 107 milking now, 45-Cows fresh last 90 days, 10-due by sale day, balance in all stages of lactation. inc. , 18-R&W Holstein Cows
- 15-Large Bred Heifers, 3-close springers & are due by sale time (3-R&W Heifers)
NOTE: This family herd foundation & genetics dates back to 1945. Bill has been milking since he was 14 yrs.old. Cattle are AI sired and bred for past 40 years. Holstein bulls to name a few include Allitude, Lustrous, Jerry Lewis, Showtime, Denver, Rubels along with Angus Choice & Outcome. Breeding information & individual SCC will be furnished at sale. The SCC ranges from 75,000 to 125,000 with last test at 4.71 Butterfat & 3.4 Protein. Current herd average 24,511 lbs, 1032 lbs.fat, 4.5 % of fat, 797 Protein & 3.2-% of protein. The average lbs.of milk peaked at 85 lbs. This past year. The top cow milked up to 185 lbs. and still producing over 100 lbs. There are 11 cows milking from 100-120 lbs. Cattle are free stall adapted & cows are sand bedded. The Anderson’s are on monthly herd health check and up to date with Triangle 9 vaccination. They also use scour guard, Quartermaster & Orbesol. This herd consists of large framed parlor milked cows milked twice daily. Feeding consists of TMR, balage, sileage, Protein, Grain & good mineral program. Heifers are freshening in at 80-100 lbs. Many cows are polled or homozygous. Cattle have been heavily bred for type, genetics & polled. This is an elite group of large framed, dairy cows with lots of class, high type & strength. Will match up with anyone’s herd. Bring a trailer you won’t be disappointed. Overnight care is welcomed. Avian Flu Test will be offered to out of state buyers.
TRACTOR: NH 8970, CAH, quad hyd, 16-speed power shift, tach shows 12,700 hrs, Super Steer, 1000 PTO, FWA, 20.8.42 rear, 16.9.32 front;
CHOPPER & HEADS: NH FP240 Chopper, Kernel Proc, metal alert, newer knives 85 acres of corn ago; NH 3RN 3-row corn head (only used on 300 acres); NH 29P Hay Head
FEEDERS: 5-Fenceline feeders for calves & heifers, 8ft grain, 10ft. Grain/hay; 2-brand new salt/mineral feeders w/rubber lids;
CALF HUTS: 8-Calf-tel Huts w/panels & buckets;
CATTLE CHUTE: Stronghold Cattle Master 440 Cattle Chute, Manual squeeze w/double swing sides & hoof trim crank
TERMS: Cash or good check. Not responsible for accidents or losses.
AUCTIONEERS: Tom Bidlingmaier, Browntown, WI 608-328-4878 & Cory Bidlingmaier, Auction Time Rep, Monroe, WI 608-558-4924. WRAL #740 & 1283. B&M Auctions of WI, LLC, Browntown, WI WRAL#166